Coupled Infrastructure System Modeling
Relevant publications
- Bartos, M., Chester, M., Johnson, N., Gorman, B., Eisenberg, D., Linkov, I., & Bates, M. (2016). Impacts of rising air temperatures on electric transmission ampacity and peak electricity load in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 11(11), 114008. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/11/114008
- Bartos, M., Chester, M., Johnson, N., Gorman, B., Eisenberg, D. (2015). Impacts of climate change on electric transmission capacity and peak electricity load in the United States. American Geophysical Union 48th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. [Poster]
- Bartos, M. & Chester, M. (2015). Impacts of climate change on electric power supply in the western United States. Nature Climate Change, 5(8), 748–752. doi:10.1038/nclimate2648
- Chester, M. Fraser, A., Bartos, M., Eisenman, D., Pincetl, S., Bondank, E., Leclair, H., Nahlik, M., Sivaraman, D., English, P., & Tseng, T. (2015). Extreme heat vulnerability and urban energy use. International Society of Industrial Ecology, Surrey, UK. [Oral Presentation]
- Bartos, M. (2015). Energy implications of western drought. Western Interstate Energy Board, Board of Directors Annual Meeting.
- ASCE: Research indicates climate change will reduce power plant capacity. (2015). [News Article]
- Greentech Grid: Nearly half of Western US power plants vulnerable to climate change. (2015). [News Article]
- Utility DIVE: How climate change threatens the Western grid, and what to do about it. (2015). [News Article]
- Clean Technica: Climate-proofing the Western US power grid. (2015). [News Article]
- International Business Times: Climate change threatens power supply to Western US, study says. (2015). [News Article]
- The Verge: Climate change could be a threat to electricity supply in Western US. (2015). [News Article]
- R&D Magazine: U.S. West's power grid must be prepared for effects of climate change. (2015). [News Article]
- Standard Examiner: Climate change puts Western power grid at risk. (2015). [News Article]
- Science Times: In the face of climate change the Western United States faces an energy crisis far too real. (2015). [News Article]
- io9: The drought will put major strain on the Western U.S. power grid. (2015). [News Article]
- Weather Channel: Climate change may put power grid at risk in the West. (2015). [News Article]
- ASU News: U.S. West's power grid must be prepared for effects of climate change. (2015). [News Article]
- Click Green: Renewable energy can help to "climate-proof" the power grid. (2015). [News Article]
- U.S. West's power grid must be prepared for impacts of climate change. (2015). [News Article]
- NPR-KJZZ: Climate change threatens western power grid. (2015). [News Article]
- Chester, M., Fraser, A., Bondank, E., Bartos, M., Eisenman, D., Pincetl, S., LeClair, H., Tseng, C., Nahlik, M., Sivaraman, D., English, P., & Seager, T. (2015). Infrastructure design and heat vulnerability in the southwest. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Dearborn, MI. [Oral Presentation]
- The Guardian: Climate change threatens electric power supply in California, report warns. (2015). [News Article]
- National Science Foundation: Drought, heat likely to affect U.S. West's power grid. (2015). [News Article]
- Climate Central: Climate change may put power grid at risk in the West. (2015). [News Article]
- Chester, M., Fraser, A. & Bartos, M. (2015). Frameworks for Assessing the Vulnerability of US Rail Systems to Flooding and Extreme Heat. Working Paper Series. Stock Number: ASU-SSEBE-CESEM-2015-RPR-001
- Bartos, M. & Chester, M. (2014). Assessing climate change impacts on electric power generation in the Western Interconnection. American Geophysical Union 47th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. [Poster]
- Bartos, M. & Chester, M. (2014). Water and power in the West. School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, Tempe, AZ.
- Bartos, M., & Chester, M. (2014). Methodology for Estimating Electricity Generation Vulnerability to Climate Change Using a Physically-based Modelling System. Working Paper Series. Stock Number: ASU-CESEM-2014-WPS-002
- Sivaraman, D., Bartos, M., Chester, M., Pincetl, S. (2014). Future electricity supply vulnerability and climate change: A case study of Maricopa and Los Angeles counties. Working Paper Series. Stock Number: ASU-SSEBE-CESEM-2014-WPS-003
- Bartos, M. (2014). Unraveling Arizona's interdependent water and energy strands. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division Brown Bag.
- Bartos, M. & Chester, M. (2014). The conservation nexus: valuing interdependent water and energy savings in Arizona. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(4), 2139–2149. doi:10.1021/es4033343
- Bartos, M. & Chester, M. (2013). The conservation nexus: valuing interdependent water and energy savings in Phoenix, Arizona. American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. [Oral Presentation]
- Bartos, M. (2013). Valuing interdependent water and energy savings in Arizona. Undergraduate Honors Thesis.